Friday, June 30, 2006

A Minne Goodbye

We had our "goodbye" party at Carmichael Lynch on a Thursday (since fridays were part of the so called summer hours and no one was at the office past like noon). They brought in Fritos and M&Ms, and a bowl of beer, water, and soda. Here are all of us former CL interns:

Jon, Anna, Me, Lauren, Jon, Nora

And here are The Jon's.

They gave us these really cool bags as a parting gift... and Lauren and Anna demonstrate.

Then Anna and I decided that these bags were so huge that we could stuff them full of all sorts of goodies. So we started by raiding the CL fridges that were on the walls displaying all the very cool CL work.

Ok, just kidding. We didn't really take anything. But we did step on a fallen Frito.
So that made for a perfect picture opportunity (in our minds at the time) to model our new shoes.

After the office party the 7th floor (ie the Creative floor) moved down the street to a bar called Mckenzies. Long Islands were bought and all in all it was good times. Here I am in front of the "Creative" sign.

After the bar we decided to go out to a place called Jet Set with the MAS peeps. (after we watched the Heat game of course ... GO HEAT!) This was Bryan's last night in Minne so we decided to go out with a bang. After he left it started the domino affect of everyone leaving one by one. *tear

Anna, Brad, Bryan, Lopez, Cannova

Anna, Bryan and Me

After Jet Set we decided to go to The Saloon. It's a gay bar on Hennepin (which is the main street in downtown Minneapolis). Things got a little crazy...

Let's just say that was the most tame picture of the night. Haha.

After I left Minneapolis I came back to San Diego only to pack up and head off towards Miami with my sister!! That posting coming soon. :)

I am now back in San Diego till July 3rd when I fly to my next and final location for school. I am off to Chicago, to intern at an agency called Hadrian's Wall. Can't wait!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Green Grass and Lakes

When I flew back to Minneapolis on Memorial Day, I called up the peeps in student housing and was told that a BBQ at the lake was in the works. I patiently waited for the Light Rail to take me from the airport back into downtown.

The walk from the Light Rail station to the parking garage was oddly quiet. There was literally no one else on the street. Maybe one or two cars, but no one else. Very strange. All I could hear was the sound of my rolling suitcase wheels on the sidewalk. I deposited my luggage into my trunk and walked over to 303.

Inside I found Anna and Nora happily cooking away for the "sides" of the BBQ. There was fruit salad, cookies, and the most potato salad you have ever seen. Ok not EVER .. but there was a lot. Here is Anna showing us the proper way to mix it all together ... with your bare hands!

There was one little thing missing ... a grill. So Cannova went to the store and found one for $10 - called BBQ in a Box. Sounded about right for our needs. The burgers and dogs could now be cooked and enjoyed.

Now at the lake I copped a squat and gazed out over the grass out onto the water. Dayna was standing there looking very pensive and knowledgeable about the meaning of life ... so I decided to capture her in all her pensive glory.

This whole going to the lake thing is a little strange to me, since people from here treat it the same as I would treat going to the beach. They have on bathing suits and walk around strutting their stuff (and sometimes their "extra baggage") and playing "beach" volley ball. Yep, the only sand I saw was in the volley ball court. This I guess is what people do when a coast and an ocean are not available.

Time for some pics ... Anna and Dayna!
Wait, was this an attitdue shot or a nice smile shot?

Attitude it is! (sorry for the fuzziness... i don't know what came over me)

And of course I had to take a cool artsy pic.

We did bring something to join in on the BBQ at the lake fun ... a Frisbee!!
Notice how Cannova can not only play, but ALSO drink and smoke all at the same time. (*this blogger does not condone smoking)

So now I can say that I have seen one of the 10,000 lakes that Minne has to offer.
And it was quite nice.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Apple and Tonic

Yes, that's right. I, Jenn MarTONIC went to New York - the Big APPLE over Memorial Day Weekend. It was nice to get out of Minneapolis and away from work for a weekend ... and best of all I got to see Anne!! And Vahbiz!!

Ahh New York ... no city quite like it.
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I got there on a friday evening and braved the subway with my suitcase into Brooklyn to meet up with Anne. We had a nice Tai food dinner then cruised some of the very chill bars in the area. We ended up meeting these guys who were in town from LA and played the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game. If anyone can tell me movies that Mary Stewart Masterson is in AND another star in said movie it would be greatly appreciated. :)

Saturday day we walked around and saw M:i:III in Times Square. Pretty good movie, despite the fact that Mr. Crazy stars in it. Then Sat night was a little MAS reunion. We first went to the Chelsea Pier to this bar called The Frying Pan. It was nice to be outside and be with friends *aww*.

Here is me and a drunk Josh (Anne and I were running on Anne & Jenn time which is about an hour later than everyone else, so by the time we got there Josh and Danny were pretty wasted. It was Danny's birthday weekend after all)
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And here is Josh demonstrating his heightened sense of animation.
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He also wanted to pose with everyone... so here are some pics of him and Anne. They work together in NY.
Can't you see the creative love!
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And Vahbiz!!! It was so nice to see her again. Here she is hamming it up for the camera.
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Aww, aren't we cute.
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It's the BLH - together again!!
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On Sunday Anne and I had a leisurely brunch out on a pier near downtown. It was such a beautiful day outside we decided to go out onto the pier and do some people watching. Blue skies!
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It was also fleet week in NYC - meaning there were ships and tons of sailors all over the place. And if that's your thing, you would be pretty happy. Unfortunately for me ... it's not my cup of tea. Here is a pic of one of the older ships against the skyline of the city.
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There was a balloon man making all sorts of things for the kids - and I saw these two cute little boys having a sword fight with their new balloon "weapons".
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The Brooklyn Bridge!
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We did some shopping and then had dinner at a great place called Lil Frankies. I recommend it if you are in the city. Italian food - mmm mmmm good.

Then on Monday it was time for me to fly back to Minne. Here is my last shot of the trip, in the JFK airport awaiting my Sun Country flight back...
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