Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Saying "Bye" to Cali

Or at least for now.

That's right, I am "moving" out East to New York, NY.
I will be flying by the seat of my pants and staying with a good friend in the city.
My goal is to get a job and my own place and be offically MOVED to NY, NY.

Today (Tuesday) was my last official day in San Diego. And what a beautiful one it was too. Not a cloud in the sky, perfect temp, I even put on a bathing suit and tried to catch what I could of a TAN before trecking out into the world of seasons.

Tomorrow (wed) I fly out, have a pit stop in Denver, CO - then land in my new home around 9pm.
I am so excited!!!

And what's more - we are doing a Pub Crawl on Saturday. Yay for St. Patrick! Thanks for having a drinking day named after you, and for driving out all those rats. Or whatever else you got a day for. :)

Cheers everyone!