Thursday, May 25, 2006

Fancy Pantz

Ok, so the thing I am most proud of making this week has got to be my little random "Fancy Pantz" logo.

It all started first quarter in Brainstorming (hi ronny) class when I was partnered with Beau and we had to come up with new fashion trends. We came up with some hott ideas - Miner's Hats anyone?? But our most catchy one was PANTZ. That's right, pants with a "Z".

These Pantz solved a very important problem. Do you ever feel embarrassed when you sit down and your pants rise up and show your socks to the world? Well with Pantz you needn't worry anymore! They have an extra piece of fabric (matching that of the original pants) that is normally hidden inside the pant leg and attached to the shoe. Then when you sit, the pulling action activates this extra lifesaver fabric to hide your socks. *Voila* no more embarrassment. And Pantz were born.

The MAS judges overlooked it (bastards), but the dream did not die. Pantz eventually gained extra "z"'s to make it Pantzzzz. People were just saying it because it was fun to say!

Then it was discovered that an old video game from the 80/90's called Maniac Mansion (made by LucasFilms) had a character in it named Sandy Pants. This got us thinking.

What do you call someone when they do something extraordinary and go above and beyond? A Fancy Pants of course! So we coined that phrase and changed the spelling to Fancy Pantz! Create a rocking visual to go along with it, and you have:

Look for it on a MySpace page near you.

*for special request of a Fancy Pantz logo leave a comment and evidence of your fancy pantz-ness.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Good Times in Chicago

Ok, so here is the slightly delayed follow up Chicago posting. Last time we went through the city, this time we hit up the bars. And not just any bar - a karaoke bar! Oh yeah.

We got up from our naps on Saturday evening and let the sexifying begin. Damn good results I would like to say! Here we are with our "We're so hott we gotta wear shades" pose.

And here are some nice group shots of the gang.

Me and Anna

Annie and Anna

Me, Annie and Dayna.

Me and Stef

Anna, me, Annie and Stef

Dayna, me, Stef, Anna

Time for the most delicious shot EVER! The B-52. Mmmm

Ok, now I am going to show you some bathroom pics because - well they're hilarious. There was this hand written sign (if you can call it a sign) placed in a plastic sheet then taped up by the toilet that said "Please flush gently". Now, I can't even imagine what had to have happened for them to put up this sign. Were girls taking out their anger on the poor toilet handle? So Anna and I decided to demonstrate the proper ways to Flush Gently.

After this it was about time for us to get our sing on. And by sing I mean drunken yelling into a microphone. Our songs of choice? Annie and Stef opted for the Cher classic "Turn Back Time". While the rest of us joined in with "Sweet Caroline". Some shots of the singing action:

Annie wants to give all the stars to me.

Oh yeah, we are SO into it.

Feel the music ladies!

Wow, my eyes are closed and my Miller Light is doubling as a microphone.

SWEET CAROLINE!! *bah *bah *bah Good times never felt so good (so good, so good, SO GOOD!)

Anna then decided it was time for her solo and took (well, stole depending on who you ask) the mic from Annie.

Dayna then felt the Whitney Houston vibe, and it took control of her soul. No mic needed!!

After our performances, we decided it was time to take MORE pictures!! (please note that the day totaled about 155 photos. I had to do some serious editing here.)

Me, Anna and Stef

Stef, Me and Geoff (from Hadrians Wall)

Me and Stef

Awww, hugs!

All in all the night was a GREAT time. I give it the Thumbs Up. :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Roadtrip to Chicago

Last weekend I made the 6+ hour drive to Chicago with Anna and Dayna. Thank god for iPods and car adapters, cause we couldn't listen to country the whole way there.

I did see a couple firsts on the road though. My first dead deer by the side of the road (so sad), and my first Cracker Barrel restaurant. They had rockingchairs on the "porch" of the restaurant. Very country.

I also got to drive through, and stop for a quick bite in, the state of Wisconsin. Not really much there. Got some weird postcards though. Apparently one of the cities we drove through is considered the Go Cart Capital. Huh.

We got to Chicago friday night and just hung out with Stefenie and Annie and had a nice girl talk session. How I miss those! We woke up on Saturday to a rainy day, but that wasn't going to stop us from going to Dayna's favorite place.... the Oprah Studio!!

Next we went to The Orb (or at least that's what we called it. But look at it, wouldn't you agree?)

Here I am in the rainy reflection of it.

And here we all are!

But don't worry, the rain didn't bother us too much because Dayna had the world's biggest umbrella to keep us dry with.

After that we picked out one of the tall super fancy buildings and decided that THIS was where Oprah had a flat.

Then we proceeded to take artsy 1950's style "LOOK!" photos as we gazed up and pointed at the building.

After this we got hungry and decided to go to Ed Debevicks for lunch/dinner. If you don't know about this place, they are infamous for their bad and rude service. When we walked in the door some dude put his hand in Stefenie's face, then did the high-five fake out to me. That made me mad so I hit him on his back as he walked away. hehe

They threw these paper hats at us and demanded that we put them on, so we did then decided to ask the nice people at the table next to us to capture the moment for us.

Some city shots (sorry they are a bit grey, it was rainy!!)

After that we went for a little shopping before the food coma took it's full affect and we went home for a nap before we went out for karaoke!!! I'll save those pics for the next posting, but here is a preview!

We're so hott we've gotta wear shades ;D