Ok, so I have been having a high number of falling dreams lately. The other day I was up in my bunk and Stef was doing something on her computer. I was falling asleep and I jerked myself awake not once, but TWICE due to a falling dream. The second time I even let out a little whimper. What is up with these dreams? After we finished laughing at me Stef and I went on a web site to see what it meant. www.dreammoods.com
Apparently falling is an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and anxieties. It says that I am feeling overwhelmed and out of control in some situation in my waking life. When you fall, there is nothing that you can hold on to. You more or less are forced toward this downward motion without any control. This loss of control may parallel a waking situation in your life.
Umm hello - QUARTER AWAY!! I must be so caught up with this whole thing that my mind is even thinking about it when I'm sleeping. It even says that falling dreams are often accompanied by muscle spasms of the arms, legs, and the whole body. Yep - that is so me. These sudden contractions are known as myclonic jerks. They often cause you to wake up from the dream, and also serve as a comedy show to anyone else in the room.
But I did find out that you will not actually die if you do not wake up before you hit the ground during a fall. So I guess I will just keep on fallin....
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