We got up from our naps on Saturday evening and let the sexifying begin. Damn good results I would like to say! Here we are with our "We're so hott we gotta wear shades" pose.

And here are some nice group shots of the gang.
Me and Anna

Annie and Anna

Me, Annie and Dayna.

Me and Stef

Anna, me, Annie and Stef

Dayna, me, Stef, Anna

Time for the most delicious shot EVER! The B-52. Mmmm

Ok, now I am going to show you some bathroom pics because - well they're hilarious. There was this hand written sign (if you can call it a sign) placed in a plastic sheet then taped up by the toilet that said "Please flush gently". Now, I can't even imagine what had to have happened for them to put up this sign. Were girls taking out their anger on the poor toilet handle? So Anna and I decided to demonstrate the proper ways to Flush Gently.

After this it was about time for us to get our sing on. And by sing I mean drunken yelling into a microphone. Our songs of choice? Annie and Stef opted for the Cher classic "Turn Back Time". While the rest of us joined in with "Sweet Caroline". Some shots of the singing action:
Annie wants to give all the stars to me.

Oh yeah, we are SO into it.

Feel the music ladies!

Wow, my eyes are closed and my Miller Light is doubling as a microphone.

SWEET CAROLINE!! *bah *bah *bah Good times never felt so good (so good, so good, SO GOOD!)

Anna then decided it was time for her solo and took (well, stole depending on who you ask) the mic from Annie.

Dayna then felt the Whitney Houston vibe, and it took control of her soul. No mic needed!!

After our performances, we decided it was time to take MORE pictures!! (please note that the day totaled about 155 photos. I had to do some serious editing here.)
Me, Anna and Stef

Stef, Me and Geoff (from Hadrians Wall)

Me and Stef

Awww, hugs!

All in all the night was a GREAT time. I give it the Thumbs Up. :)

Looks like you girls had an awesome time, wish I could have come :-) Cheers to the windy city! I'm going crazy in Miami.....so much to get done.....so little time. Only have like a few weeks left.
Have you ever been in a Turkish Prison?
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