Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Worst Bus Ride Ever

Oh my god - I jut spent WAY too long trying to get home. I get on a bus, bus number 55. We go 2 stops then I realize that we are stopped at a stop and that the driver has turned off the engine. The bus is full and everyone is wondering what is going on. I am sitting on the top because I have a while to go on the bus and the view from the top is way better than being smushed and grasping for you balance on the bottom.

So this chick comes up the stairs and says that the bus driver isn't moving till one of the boys who just got on pays his fare (he had tried to sneak on without paying and apparently this driver wasn't gonna have it). She goes back down and the group of misfit London boys in the back of the bus start to argue with everyone. Then the driver comes up and says he isn't moving till they pay, and that he called the police and they were on their way to escort him off.

Oh my god!! It costs 1 pound 10 pence for the love of god!! We end up sitting there for EVER - and they boys finally get off the bus. So I am thinking that all is well and good and I am finally on my way home again. But no, about 4 stops up the driver pulls over then comes up saying that he is in trouble with his boss and he has to ask us all to get off and transfer us to another bus. Are you kidding me?! I have NO idea where I am, and those of you who know me know that I suck ass with directions and that I sorta freak out when I am lost.

So there we all are, standing out in the now-starting-to-get-cold weather waiting for another 55 bus to come along. And wouldn't you know it, the first one that comes along is totally packed and can't take any more people. So we all stand around for a good 20 min then some other bus comes and the majority of the people get on it. I don't, however, because I don't know where it goes and I don't want to get even more lost. Luckily there is another girl still standing there as well. Our old driver says he can drop us off at Angel Station (sorta near my house) but that he isn't doing the route so he can't bring us to the exact stop we need.

I say ok and we get on. I am dropped off at Angel, at a stop that I wasn't familiar with. I followed my instincts (which are sometimes right, surprisingly enough) and make it to the tube station. Of course the line I need is out of service for the weekend, and I have no idea what bus to take to get going the right way. So I decide that now is a good time for a hot chocolate. I go to the Art to Zen Cafe and warm up a bit. The only way I really know for sure how to get home from Angel is to walk along the canal. So I head in that direction. It wasn't that bad - seeing as it wasn't too late yet. I finally make it home without accomplishing 1/2 of what I was planning on.

What a day!

1 comment:

Dayna said...

Scary Tonic! Next time drop bread crumbs down so you know which way is home! Glad youre safe though. Miss you much!