Friday, June 30, 2006

A Minne Goodbye

We had our "goodbye" party at Carmichael Lynch on a Thursday (since fridays were part of the so called summer hours and no one was at the office past like noon). They brought in Fritos and M&Ms, and a bowl of beer, water, and soda. Here are all of us former CL interns:

Jon, Anna, Me, Lauren, Jon, Nora

And here are The Jon's.

They gave us these really cool bags as a parting gift... and Lauren and Anna demonstrate.

Then Anna and I decided that these bags were so huge that we could stuff them full of all sorts of goodies. So we started by raiding the CL fridges that were on the walls displaying all the very cool CL work.

Ok, just kidding. We didn't really take anything. But we did step on a fallen Frito.
So that made for a perfect picture opportunity (in our minds at the time) to model our new shoes.

After the office party the 7th floor (ie the Creative floor) moved down the street to a bar called Mckenzies. Long Islands were bought and all in all it was good times. Here I am in front of the "Creative" sign.

After the bar we decided to go out to a place called Jet Set with the MAS peeps. (after we watched the Heat game of course ... GO HEAT!) This was Bryan's last night in Minne so we decided to go out with a bang. After he left it started the domino affect of everyone leaving one by one. *tear

Anna, Brad, Bryan, Lopez, Cannova

Anna, Bryan and Me

After Jet Set we decided to go to The Saloon. It's a gay bar on Hennepin (which is the main street in downtown Minneapolis). Things got a little crazy...

Let's just say that was the most tame picture of the night. Haha.

After I left Minneapolis I came back to San Diego only to pack up and head off towards Miami with my sister!! That posting coming soon. :)

I am now back in San Diego till July 3rd when I fly to my next and final location for school. I am off to Chicago, to intern at an agency called Hadrian's Wall. Can't wait!

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