Saturday, March 18, 2006

Back in Cali

I'm Back!!! That's right, I am now back in San Diego. I will be here for a couple weeks - then I move to Minneapolis in April for my next internship and "agency experience" for school.

I am looking forward to just relaxing for a bit and not having to lug my luggage around for a couple weeks! I arrived late Thursday night and my sister picked me up from the airport. I stayed with her that night and the next day (St. Patty's Day) we surprised my parents. They didn't know I was back home yet.

First up was my dad. My sister went home and took the dog for a walk, then I came back with her. We wanted to fake steal his truck, but he was outside so that wasn't going to work. Also, we may have given him a heart attack, and that wouldn't have been good.

Then it was time to surprise my mom. I hid under the covers on her bed so when she came home from work she would see my sister's car in the driveway and think I was her. Then when she said "Christy, what are you doing?", my sister would say "What?" and walk out of her bathroom. At which point my mom would be confused, and I would throw the covers off and yell "Happy Birthday mom!!". She was so shocked! It was great. She couldn't believe that we pulled it off. We can keep a good secret :)

So we went out to The Red Lobster (mom's favorite place) for dinner. I got the coconut shrimp, yummy. Then we came home and had a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake. My sister and I got her a massage for her birthday. She got one on her cruise and loved it, so we thought she deserved another one.

Now I am trying to get my bearing back on what day/time it is. I gained a day flying back here from Europe. For me right now it is about 6:30pm, and in Cali the actual time is 10:30am. Hopefully in the next couple days I'll be back to the norm.

Here are some pictures from the weekend in the Czech Mountains. I tried the giant inner-tube, the snow mobile, and even made my very own snow angel!!

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Jenne said...

You are so cute in the snow!! I love your mom's bday surprise ... so cool that you guys pulled it off!! xx

Unknown said...

You are enjoying in the snow.In my town it's not so snow.