Thursday, April 06, 2006


It rains a lot in Minneapolis. And by a lot I don't mean frequently... I mean quantity. Driving home from work today was insane. I've never really had to slow down that much on the freeway because it was FLOODED. But it did give Anna and I a chance to wonder the miraculous Minneapolis Skyway. For those of you who don't know, the Skyway is pretty much a giant food court that connects the entire downtown Minneapolis by little walkways (looks a little like a hamster cage). Pretty much any food you could ever want you will find. And you never have to go outside!

We entered the Skyway from work, then went to the YMCA to get a tour (I think I am joining that gym), then to the parking garage. All without going outside!! So that means... not getting wet! Whoo hoo!

I think we will all start to grow hair and run in wheels..

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